Instiki Foo

Just got a personal Instiki install done. First time I have done this and it litterly took under ten minutes (although 3 was me trying to figure out how to use the gem to make a new instiki ( try “instiki –help” on the command line ;) ) ).

In that same amount of time I even got it proxied thru lighttpd with authentication in that time.

Here’s my lighttpd config if you want to see it

# enable mod_proxy on the top first
$HTTP["host"] =~ "wiki\.theadmin\.org$" {
        proxy.server = ( "" => ( ( "host" => "",
                                   "port" => 2500 ) ) )
        server.errorlog         = "/var/log/lighttpd/ta/lighttpd-ta-error.log"
        auth.backend            = "plain"
        auth.backend.plain.userfile     = "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-plain.user"
        auth.require = ( "/" =>
                        ( "method" => "digest",
                          "realm"  => "WikiWikiWa",
                          "require" => "user=username"

The I just ran instiki --binding= -d and it is bound and daemonized.

See, simple.

Eric Davis