Freelancing Digest Issue #87 – Pricing, Lead nurturing

A Guide to Pricing Strategies

One thing I hate is the level of dogma around pricing, which is why when I saw this guide to pricing strategies I was relieved that it takes a very balanced approach.

Lead nurturing: how to transform your prospects into solid relationships

Lead nurturing is the process you use to help a lead turn into a client over time, usually through education and advice. I’ve used this to win projects after 9-12 months of nurturing.

Want to start freelancing in a month? SPONSOR

If you’re just getting started or you need to restart your freelance business, having a day-by-day guide can get started on the right path. Don’t waste your time doing the things that don’t matter.

Quick Links

5 Tips for Building a Sales Team that Consistently Closes Deals (

The Power of Being Decisive: Why Going For It Always Makes Sense (

The 4-Point Guide to a Great Mastermind Group (

6 Ways to Make Clients Feel Special (And Boost Retention) (


Freelancers’ Show #204: Podcast Outreach with Kai Davis (

Freelance Transformation #66: Become a Successful Freelance Journalist with Kate Parham Kordsmeier (

Does the effort you’re putting in match the results you’re getting? (

Thanks, I’ll see you next week

Eric Davis (@edavis10)